


Easy-to-operate single room control system which can be combined with façade ventilation units to provide demand-based ventilation and extract ventilation and enable the control of the water-side components of the heating and cooling circuits

  • Plug and play solution
  • Main PCB for connecting the integral components
  • Master PCB for connecting components which are required for each room, e.g. control panels or sensors
  • Control valves with G½" external thread and flat seal
  • 24 V AC or 230 V AC supply voltage
  • Thermoelectric valve actuator, 0 – 10 V, 24 V DC

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Various sensors, e.g. temperature sensor or room air quality sensor
  • Plug-in real time clock module (RTC) for time-dependent operating modes (5 switching points per day and 4 operating modes can be set)
  • Bus communication via BACnet MS/TP, Modbus RTU or LON-FTT-10 interface
  • Control panels (can be integrated with various frames)
  • Electric valve actuators
  • Balancing and control valves (independent of pressure)

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Zubehör Dezentrale Lüftung

Die Regelung ist das Herzstück der energieeffizienten dezentralen Fassadenlüftungsgeräte von TROX. Sie regelt die bedarfsgerechte Be- und Entlüftung sowie den wasserseitigen Heiz- und /oder Kühlkreislauf. Das Ergebnis ist ein enorm hoher Wirkungsgrad bei gleichzeitig optimaler Behaglichkeit.

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