Cassonetti terminali per l'alloggiamento di filtri a piccole pieghe

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Pharmaceutical clean room terminal filters as a final filter stage with Mini Pleat filter panels for the separation of suspended particles. Used in highly sensitive areas in pharmaceuticals, medicine, and biology

  • Mini Pleat filter panels with downstream fluid seals meet the highest hygiene requirements
  • Easy, time-saving, and secure filter change
  • Air terminal device is held in place by magnets and can be hinged down to facilitate cleaning and validation; filter change with patented turn clip
  • Newly designed supports for mounting in false ceilings
  • Robust, welded construction
  • Compact construction, suitable for low ceilings
  • Various diffuser face plates to ideally meet individual requirements
  • Horizontal or vertical connection
  • Removable spigot for installation into closed ceilings in case of horizontal connection
  • For air cleanliness classes 5 to 8 according to ISO 14644-1
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022




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Wall mounted particulate filters as a final filter stage with Mini Pleat filter panels for the separation of suspended particles. Used in medicine, biology, the pharmaceuticals industry, and sensitive technical areas.

  • Easy, time-saving and secure filter change, can be completed by one person due to special press-in frame
  • For air cleanliness classes 5 to 8 according to ISO 14644-1
  • Different constructions for filter elements with various frame depths
  • Casing with indentations to ensure the precise fitting of the filter elements
  • Equipment for differential pressure measurement, sealing integrity testing, and particle sampling for measurement
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022

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Ceiling mounted particulate filters as a final filter stage with Mini Pleat filter panels for the separation of suspended particles. Used in medicine, biology, the pharmaceuticals industry, and sensitive technical areas.

  • Easy, time-saving and secure filter change, can be completed by one person due to special press-in frame
  • Quick and easy diffuser fixing with central screw and spring
  • Robust, welded construction
  • With or without optional sealing integrity test facility
  • Compact construction, suitable for low ceilings, integration with all clean room ceiling systems from various manufacturers
  • Various diffusers to ideally meet individual requirements
  • Horizontal (circular, rectangular) or vertical (circular) connection
  • Choice of low-leakage shut-off damper or volume flow limiter for horizontal connection
  • Equipment for differential pressure measurement and particle sampling for measurements
  • Filter element can be easily accessed from the clean air side even after installation thanks to a removable cross bar
  • For air cleanliness classes 5 to 8 according to ISO 14644-1
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022
  • Leakage class: EN 1886 L1, EN 15727 class D

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TFM partikkelfilter

Partikkelfiltermoduler for tak som et siste filtertrinn med Mini Pleat-filterpaneler for utskilling av svevepartikler. Brukes i laboratorier, medisinske områder eller produksjonslokaler i legemiddel- og næringsmiddelindustrien.

  • De enkelte kappene kan kombineres modulært for å danne takplater
  • Enkelt, tidsbesparende og sikkert filterbytte takket være en spesiell innpressingsramme
  • For montering av filtre med flat eller flytende tetning
  • Med mulighet for test av filterelementenes tetningsintegritet
  • Integrerte målepunkter for differensialtrykk
  • Innvendig målerør for prøvetaking av partikler for måling
  • Tapp med leppetetning
  • Fleksibel fjæring
  • For luftrenhetsklasse 5 til 8 i henhold til ISO 14644-1
  • Oppfyller hygienekravene i VDI 6022
  • Lekkasjeklasser: L1 i henhold til DIN EN 1886 og D i henhold til DIN EN 15727

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Schwebstofffilter-Luftdurchlässe werden als endständige Filter eingesetzt, wenn höchste Ansprüche an die Luftreinheit und Keimfreiheit gestellt werden wie z. B. in der Medizin, Biologie, Pharmazie und anderen sensiblen Bereichen. Zur Aufnahme von Filterelementen zur Abscheidung von Schwebstoffen, wie Aerosole, toxische Stäube,Viren, Bakterien aus der Zu- und Abluft.

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