Scambiatori di calore e generatori di aria calda



Circular hot water heat exchanger for the reheating of airflows, suitable for VAV terminal units TVR and mechanical self-powered CAV terminal units RN or VFC

  • For hot water up to 150°C
  • Copper tubes arranged in two rows, with aluminium fins
  • Installation in horizontal or vertical ducts, independent of airflow direction
  • Suitable for circular air ducts according to EN 1506 or EN 13180
  • With lip seal and inspection access
  • Maximum water-side operating pressure is 10 bar
  • Casing air leakage according to EN 15727, class D




Q: 0,25 – 116 kW

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Rectangular hot water heat exchanger for the reheating of airflows, suitable for air terminal units type TVZ, TZ-Silenzio, TVJ, TVT and mechanically self-powered CAV terminal units type EN

  • Only for hot water operation up to 100 °C
  • Horizontal water connection
  • Copper tubes are arranged in two rows with aluminium blades
  • Maximum water-side operating pressure is 16 bar
  • Casing air leakage according to EN 15727, class D; class C applies for H ≤ 400

Q: 0,25 - 116 kw

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Circular electric air heater for reheating airflows, suitable for VAV terminal units TVR and mechanical self-powered CAV controllers RN and VFC

  • Outlet airflow temperature 50 °C max.
  • Plain heating coil, stainless steel 1.4301
  • Integral overheating protection with temperature monitor (auto reset) and thermal cut-out (manual reset)
  • For horizontal or vertical ducts
  • Suitable for circular ducts to EN 1506 or EN 13180
  • With lip seal
  • Protection level: IP 43
  • Casing leakage according to EN 15727, class C

Q: 0,25 - 116 kw

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