Cadres pour montage mural

Sélection Produit A-Z
Nom du produit



Mounting plates for activated carbon filter cartridges. For installation in air handling units or for mounting a filter wall in ventilation systems

  • Highly variable since parts of various sizes can be combined
  • Easy change of the activated carbon filter cartridges due to the bayonet fixing
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Stainless steel construction

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Standard cell frames for pocket filters, Mini Pleat filter inserts, activated carbon filter inserts, Mini Pleat filter panels with plastic frames, Z-line filters, and cut-to-size filter pads. For installation in air handling units or for mounting a filter wall in ventilation systems

  • Highly variable since parts of various sizes can be combined
  • Robust construction; cell frame available with and without groove
  • Perfect compensation of tolerances due to perimeter groove in standard cell frame
  • Cell frames with a groove provide various tensioning options depending on the filter frame depth
  • Standard cell frames for cut-to-size filter pads with support grid and press-in frame
  • Easy handling and secure sealing due to four special clamping elements and a foamed, closed-cell, silicone-free continuous seal
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Stainless steel construction
  • Profiled seal (replaceable)

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Mounting frames for Mini Pleat filter inserts. For installation in air handling units or for mounting a filter wall in ventilation systems

  • Highly variable since parts of various sizes can be combined
  • Easy handling due to four clamping screws that ensure a secure sealing between the mounting frame and the filter element
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Stainless steel construction

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Standard cell frame for pocket filters, Mini Pleat filter inserts, activated carbon filter inserts, Mini Pleat filter panels with plastic frames, filters, and cut-to-size filter pads. For installation into ventilation systems

  • Highly variable since parts of various sizes can be combined
  • Robust construction
  • Perfect compensation of tolerances due to perimeter groove in standard cell frame
  • Cell frames with a groove provide various tensioning options depending on the filter frame depth
  • Easy handling and secure sealing due to four special clamping elements and a foamed, closed-cell, silicone-free continuous seal
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Stainless steel construction

En savoir plus

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