small_tab1_Serie KSFSSP
small_tab1_Serie KSFSSP


For filter unit systems with horizontal air entry and outlet


Spigot for assembling filter unit systems in ductwork

  • Spigots made of sheet steel with decontaminable powder coating RAL 9010
  • Air deflection plates in the air outlet spigot ensure a uniform airflow through the system, reduce the total differential pressure, and lower energy costs
  • For filter unit systems of up to 6 filter casings in a row
  • Leakage test for the entire filter unit system

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Stainless steel construction



  • Spigot type KSFSSP for assembling a filter unit system with ducted particulate filters type KSFS for critical requirements



  • M: Casing without prefilter
  • PM: Casing with prefilter
  • SPC: Steel, powder-coated RAL 9010, pure white
  • STA: Stainless steel
  • Number of casings: 1 – 6
  • MD: Casing with service board
  • TLBR: Air entry at top left, air outlet at bottom right
  • TRBL: Air entry at top right, air outlet at bottom left
  • TRBR: Air entry at top right, air outlet at bottom right
  • TLBL: Air entry at top left, air outlet at bottom left
  • SPM: Casing and spigot factory assembled
  • SPP: Casing and spigot separate

Useful additions

  • Suitable filter elements to be ordered separately
  • Mini Pleat filter panels (MFP)
  • Mini Pleat filter cells (MFC)
  • Activated carbon filter cells (ACF)
  • Other filter elements upon request
  • Ducted particulate filter (KSFS)

Construction features

  • Spigot with support legs, for horizontal air entry or outlet, available for systems with up to six filters units in a row
  • Air deflection plates in the air outlet spigot ensure a uniform airflow through the system, reduce the total differential pressure, and lower energy costs
  • For filter unit systems consisting of four or more filter units in a row, the casings are delivered separately

Materials and surfaces

  • Spigot made of either sheet steel, powder-coated RAL 9010, pure white, or of stainless steel

Information technique

  • Function
  • Specification text
  • Order code


Spigots type KSFSSP for assembling a filter unit system with ducted particulate filters type KSFS for critical requirements.

Filter unit system consisting of a ducted particulate filter type  KSFS with support legs, for horizontal air entry and outlet.

Spigot available for systems of up to six filter units in a row, factory assembled.

The arrangement of the spigots can be selected. The air outlet is fitted with air deflection plates that ensure a uniform airflow through the system and reduce the total differential pressure.

Leakage test for the entire filter unit system.

Materials and surfaces

  • Spigot made of either sheet steel, powder-coated RAL 9010, pure white, or of stainless steel


  • M: Casing without prefilter
  • PM: Casing with prefilter
  • SPC: Steel, powder-coated RAL 9010, pure white
  • STA: Stainless steel
  • Number of casings: 1 – 6
  • MD: Casing with service board
  • TLBR: Air entry at top left, air outlet at bottom right
  • TRBL: Air entry at top right, air outlet at bottom left
  • TRBR: Air entry at top right, air outlet at bottom right
  • TLBL: Air entry at top left, air outlet at bottom left
  • SPM: Casing and spigot factory assembled
  • SPP: Casing and spigot separate


Information produit

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