Unità di trattamento aria

X-CUBE X2 compact

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The X-CUBE CROFCU is a compact ventilation unit that ensures and maintains the essential conditions for all classes of clean rooms. The secondary unit for use with centralised ventilation and air conditioning systems is typically installed in false ceilings. It dissipates high thermal loads and requires only a low fresh air volume flow. The primary air system (patent pending) allows for the direct removal of exhaust air while fresh air is supplied to the room.

  • Suitable for all clean room concepts
  • Pumped chilled water cooling system with room temperature control
  • Increased flexibility if several units are connected
  • Energy-efficient plug fan with EC motor
  • Addition of fresh air from 50 m3/h to 2000 m3/h
  • Monitoring of filters downstream
  • Control of airlocks for people and material
  • Contamination check by means of pressure zone control
  • Space-saving due to smaller ducts
  • Simple and quick commissioning due to plug and play

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With the TROX X-CUBE, an air handling unit with unlimited configuration options, TROX sets a new standard in the AHU market and defines considerably higher levels of quality, performance, flexibility, reliability, energy efficiency, and hygiene. Compelling all down the line. TROX now offers everything from a single source: air handling units and components – ideally complementary to each other.

  • For even more energy efficiency and better quality with less coordination effort.
  • For the ventilation of rooms and entire buildings, for filtering, heating, and cooling the air, for heat recovery as well as for humidification and dehumidification, and for volume flow rates of up to 86,000 m³/h
  • Flexible frame construction, completely covered externally by thermally insulated panels or doors
  • Easy installation, maintenance and cleaning
  • Significantly reduced wiring workload due to flexible control and regulation based on fieldbus technology.
  • Special hygiene construction variant according to AHU Guideline 01 (RLT-Richtlinie 01) for use in hospitals and laboratories; weatherproof construction variant for outdoor installation

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No expert knowledge required:

  • Configure TROX X-CUBE units

  • Calculate energy and other consumption values

  • Calculate life cycle costs

Go to AHU online configurator

X-CUBE control - the film 

Advanced ventilation systems by example of a hospital

Hygiene and safety are complex challenges that only complete ventilation and air conditioning systems with intelligent control functions can meet. 

X-CUBE control is THE intelligent solution. How? Look here!

X-CUBE Production in Germany. Action!

Engineering. People. Quality. Three words that summarize the essence of our X-CUBE production in Anholt, Germany. Watch our video and discover it for yourself.

You can watch the production of the X-CUBEs - in unusual perspectives, aesthetic details and fast cuts.


TROX verifica automaticamente i requisiti di efficienza in base alla direttiva Ecodesign

Con il varo del Protocollo di Kyoto, l’Unione Europea si è impegnata a ridurre le emissioni di CO2 di minimo il 20% entro il 2020. Per raggiungere tali obiettivi climatici, già nel 2005 l’UE ha varato la direttiva EuP (Energy-Using Products Directive). Con la direttiva ErP 2009/125/CE (Energy-Related Products Directive), detta anche direttiva Ecodesign, vengono stabiliti dei requisiti minimi per numerosi prodotti connessi all’energia. Nella regione economica europea, a partire dal 1° gennaio 2016, vigono nuovi requisiti per l’efficienza energetica degli apparecchi di trattamento dell’aria. Il prossimo step dell’introduzione graduale entrerà in vigore il 1° gennaio 2018.

Le unità di trattamento dell’aria TROX X-CUBE vengono configurate liberamente in base alle esigenze del cliente con un software di configurazione. In tutte le configurazioni delle unità di trattamento dell’aria X-CUBE, questo software tiene conto automaticamente dei nuovi requisiti di efficienza energetica e assicura la configurazione corretta. Pertanto, le unità X-CUBE prodotte e messe in commercio nell’UE dopo il 1° gennaio 2016 soddisfano sempre i nuovi requisiti.

Nella tabella accanto sono riportati i requisiti di efficienza energetica ErP in vigore dal 2016

Requisiti di efficienza energetica ErP dal 2016 (Tedesco)

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