Serranda di intercettazione a tenuta di gas

Product selection A-Z


Fulfils the level of 'leak tightness' required by KTA Guideline 3601 (German Nuclear Safety Standards Commission, KTA) and by DIN 25496 even when the power supply or compressed air supply fails

  • Compact construction and robust actuator mechanism allow for any installation orientation
  • Maximum leakage air flow of closed damper is 0.0028 (l/s)/m² or 0.01 (m³/h)/m² at a differential pressure of 2000 Pa
  • Gas-tight closure, even when there is no power, due to special toggle lever principle
  • Variants with hand wheel, pneumatic actuator or electric actuator
  • Brass bearings
  • Powder-coated casing and blades
  • Maximum pressure loading of 5000 Pa, in closing direction
  • Available in standard sizes and many intermediate sizes

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Flange holes
  • Limit switch
  • Double acting pneumatic actuator, with optional solenoid valve
  • Electric actuator 3~ 400 V AC, 50 Hz or 1~ 230 V AC, 50 Hz

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Z0* – Gas-tight dampers

Limit switches for gas-tight shut-off dampers, solenoid valves for gas-tight shut-off dampers with pneumatic actuators

  • Limit switches for capturing the end positions of gas-tight shut-off dampers
  • Solenoid valve to provide the control input signal for NAK-P
  • Different opening and closing times can be set using throttle valves (at least 2 s)

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Serranda di intercettazione a tenuta di gas

Gasdichte Absperrklappen für Luftleitungen lufttechnischer Anlagen, die aus sicherheitstechnischen Gründen in bestimmten Betriebssituationen sehr dicht (gasdicht) abgesperrt werden müssen.

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