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Mounting plates for activated carbon filter cartridges. For installation in air handling units or for mounting a filter wall in ventilation systems

  • Highly variable since parts of various sizes can be combined
  • Easy change of the activated carbon filter cartridges due to the bayonet fixing
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Stainless steel construction

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Standard cell frames for pocket filters, Mini Pleat filter inserts, activated carbon filter inserts, Mini Pleat filter panels with plastic frames, Z-line filters, and cut-to-size filter pads. For installation in air handling units or for mounting a filter wall in ventilation systems

  • Highly variable since parts of various sizes can be combined
  • Robust construction; cell frame available with and without groove
  • Perfect compensation of tolerances due to perimeter groove in standard cell frame
  • Cell frames with a groove provide various tensioning options depending on the filter frame depth
  • Standard cell frames for cut-to-size filter pads with support grid and press-in frame
  • Easy handling and secure sealing due to four special clamping elements and a foamed, closed-cell, silicone-free continuous seal
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Stainless steel construction
  • Profiled seal (replaceable)

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Standard cell frames for pocket filters, Mini Pleat filter inserts, activated carbon filter inserts, Mini Pleat filter panels with plastic frames. For installation into ventilation and air conditioning systems

  • Highly variable as parts of various dimensions can be combined

  • Robust construction

  • Total compensation of tolerances due to perimeter groove in standard cell frame

  • Cell frames with a groove provide various tensioning options depending on the filter frame depth

  • Easy handling and secure sealing due to 4 special clamping elements and a foamed, closed-cell, silicone-free continuous seal

  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022


Optional equipment and accessories

  • Stainless steel construction

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Mounting frames for Mini Pleat filter inserts. For installation in air handling units or for mounting a filter wall in ventilation systems

  • Highly variable since parts of various sizes can be combined
  • Easy handling due to four clamping screws that ensure a secure sealing between the mounting frame and the filter element
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Stainless steel construction

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Filterrahmen für Wandeinbau

Filterrahmen werden in RLT-Geräten eingesetzt oder zum Aufbau einer Filterwand in raumlufttechnischen Anlagen verwendet. Sie dienen der Aufnahme von Filterelementen zur Abscheidung von Grobstaub, Feinstaub und von Schwebstoffen oder zur Adsorption von gasförmigen Geruchs- und Schadstoffen.

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