Filtri a carbone attivo

Product selection A-Z


To improve the indoor air quality in offices, hotels, and airports

  • Available with different carbon types for various areas of application and operating conditions

  • Compact depth construction

  • Fitting into ducted particulate filters (types KSF, KSFS) and duct casings for particulate filters (type DCA)


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To improve the indoor air quality in offices, hotels, and airports

  • Available with pre-filter fleece ePM1
  • Compact construction style with low installation depth
  • Fitting into standard cell frames for filter walls (type SIF)
  • Fitting into universal casings (type UCA) for duct installation


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To improve the indoor air quality in offices, hotels, and airports

  • Available with different carbon types for various areas of application and operating conditions

  • Cylinder made of perforated sheet steel, stainless steel, or plastic, available in different lengths

  • Plastic cylinders are completely corrosion-resistant; cartridges are completely incinerable and hence easily disposed of

  • Easy fitting and secure sealing due to 3-point bayonet fixing

  • Fitting into mounting plates (type MP) for filter walls

  • Fitting into universal casings (type UCA) for duct installation


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Aktivkohlefilter werden zur Adsorption gasförmiger Geruchs- und Schadstoffe sowie von Kohlenwasserstoffen, Spuren von anorganischen Verbindungen aus der Zu- und Umluft eingesetzt. Sie sind in unterschiedlichen Bauformen als Filtereinsätze, Filterpatronen und Filterzellen erhältlich.

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