With comprehensive concepts and customised solutions, we go beyond these demands. This requires the greatest possible experience, Expertise and close coordination with doctors and hospital hygienists. The effort has paid off: Good indoor air quality helps patients to recover in much less time.
From high-performance filters and air terminal devices to air-water systems and control systems, air handling units and fans, TROX covers the entire range of components, units and systems for ventilation and air conditioning. This gives us the ability to provide optimised, comprehensive solutions for ventilation, Fire protection and Smoke extract; including the accompanying control systems specifically optimised for newly constructed and refurbished hospitals.
We value
Waiting room, treatment room, operating theatre or laboratory – a hospital combines the most diverse types of rooms under one roof.
But what air quality requirements must be met in each case?
For an insight into the differences between the individual zones, simply refer to the adjacent table.
And finally, our comprehensive table shows readers design information on the most important ventilation and air conditioning parameters for healthcare.
Whether new construction, design, optimisation, system expansion, refurbishment or maintenance – TROX is at your side. Describe your specific needs to us or arrange a non-binding consultation.
Patric Unterdorfer
Global Key Client Manager Pharma & Food
You can reach me at: +49 (0) 2845 202 1128
The coronavirus has a firm hold on the world – which is why it is all the more important to upgrade healthcare buildings in terms of hygiene and ventilation with reliable and efficient concepts, and to refurbish them accordingly.
Together with its partners, we advise, configure and support numerous projects in hospitals, treatment centres and vaccination stations around the globe.
In the process, our innovative, widely proven technology from TROX can be found in many famous hospitals all over the world. This is not surprising as TROX products meet the most demanding requirements of hygiene and safety.
Video only available in German - English version coming soon
In hospitals, treatment, laboratory and operation areas place the highest demands on hygiene and indoor air standards. This applies not only to the purity or particle-free nature of the air: the entire air management system must operate at the best level. Targeted control of the room pressures in negative or positive pressure separates the various areas from each other or from their surroundings in terms of air distribution technology. By continuously monitoring the parameters, you always have an overview of the current conditions of your rooms.
TROX clean room technology continuously meets the highest protection and safety standards and is therefore found in many highly sensitive areas such as: We are aware of the need for comprehensive solutions, as well as the interaction of diverse factors relevant to purity and safety. Therefore, we always develop our concepts and systems under consideration of the following:
High air cleanliness and comfortable indoor air quality
Protection of products, processes, people and the environment from contaminated air
Preventing the spread of contaminated air, fire and smoke, as well as the safeguarding of smoke-free rescue routes, through ducting in the event of a fire
Attention to energy and cost efficiency in the area of air conditioning and ventilation
Would you like to find out about important factors in sensitive and public areas in addition to critical areas?
You can already make a rough distinction on the basis of the adjacent table.
Of course, you will also find detailed information on public areas and sensitive areas here on our website.
For individual advice, please contact us at any stage of your project.
Whether new construction, design, optimisation, system expansion, refurbishment or maintenance – TROX is at your side. Describe your specific needs to us or arrange a non-binding consultation.
Patric Unterdorfer
Global Key Client Manager Pharma & Food
You can reach me at: +49 (0) 2845 202 1128
Hygiene and safety aspects are strictly regulated here to protect patients and staff. Various requirements are also placed on the indoor air. In contrast to critical areas, temperature and humidity control and the reduction of potentially infectious aerosols are of primary importance in sensitive areas. The latter has become particularly relevant in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
As a pioneer in the industry, TROX has dedicated itself intensively to the filtering possibilities of aerosol contents. We offer customised and safe indoor air concepts for all sensitive areas of healthcare.
Whether new construction, design, optimisation, system expansion, refurbishment or maintenance – TROX is at your side. Describe your specific needs to us or arrange a non-binding consultation.
Patric Unterdorfer
Global Key Client Manager Pharma & Food
You can reach me at: +49 (0) 2845 202 1128
Get an overall impression of the sizing and design of ventilation and air-conditioning systems in the healthcare sector.
You can already make a rough distinction on the basis of the adjacent table.
This page contains all information about sensitive areas in the hospital. Of course, we also provide appropriate guidance on critical areas and public areas on our website.
And finally, our comprehensive table shows readers design information on the most important ventilation and air conditioning parameters for healthcare.
Download our practical design aid here
Clean air is not only of high importance in treatment and operating rooms. Especially in rooms with a lot of public traffic – such as waiting rooms, reception areas and administrative offices – clean air should be a matter of course. In addition, the coronavirus pandemic has established a heightened sensitivity to the possible transmission of pathogens through the air.
In public areas of the healthcare sector, people come together who are often already ill. Regular spray and wipe disinfection is not enough to prevent infection because, in many viral diseases, such as gastrointestinal infections or SARS-CoV-2, the pathogens literally fly through the air.
So what options are there for filtering out these pathogens, but also pollen and fine dust, for example, effectively and yet cost-efficiently, without reducing the comfort of the room through disturbing noise or draughts?
Rely on our comprehensive indoor air concepts and innovative products with which we constantly set new standards in hygiene and safety. We will be happy to advise you extensively and present the most effective solution options for your individual premises and areas.
Whether new construction, design, optimisation, system expansion, refurbishment or maintenance – TROX is at your side. Describe your specific needs to us or arrange a non-binding consultation.
Patric Unterdorfer
Global Key Client Manager Pharma & Food
You can reach me at: +49 (0) 2845 202 1128
Get an overall impression of the sizing and design of ventilation and air-conditioning systems in the healthcare sector.
You can already make a rough distinction on the basis of the adjacent table.
This page contains all the information about public areas in the hospital. Of course, we also provide appropriate guidance on critical areas and sensitive areas on our website.
Our clear table provides Design information on the most important parameters of a ventilation and air-conditioning system in the healthcare sector.
Air is life, because it provides us with necessary oxygen. But what if the immune system has been compromised? In such a case, air can even become life-threatening. Pollutants, bacteria, or even a virus may be introduced with each breath taken. A healthy body can usually cope with such microorganisms without any problems, but a sick body cannot.
For this reason, the conditioning and control of airflows in hospitals are of almost elementary importance, because medical facilities are confronted with new challenges such as multi-resistant viruses, germs and pathogens every day. "Every year, 400,000 - 600,000 patients in Germany fall ill with hospital-acquired infections, some of which can be prevented or influenced," – says a report by Germany's Federal Ministry of Health (DE only).
Go one step further in hygiene and safety together with us. The new features of our systems are specially designed to meet the high requirements for air hygiene and air purification in highly sensitive areas.
Ventilation and air conditioning systems in hospitals ensure that the contamination of indoor air with micro-organisms is reduced to a minimum. Moreover, dust, anaesthetic gases and odorous substances must be contained.
This applies in particular to operating theatres, intensive care units, delivery rooms and neonatal units. The risk of infection is minimised by the correct air distribution and effective air filters. But that is not enough: Air can easily overcome barriers and can, hence, not be locked out.
Using precise pressure control and airlocks, however, it is possible to isolate rooms with particularly critical requirements on air cleanliness.
Whether new construction, design, optimisation, system expansion, refurbishment or maintenance – TROX is at your side. Describe your specific needs to us or arrange a non-binding consultation.
Patric Unterdorfer
Global Key Client Manager Pharma & Food
You can reach me at: +49 (0) 2845 202 1128
In regard to fire protection, hospitals and nursing homes are particularly critical, as the fast evacuation of patients places high demands.
According to statistics from the Association of German Fire Protection Officers, there is a fire in a hospital in Germany every 18 days and even every eight days in a retirement and nursing home.
Fire protection in hospitals and nursing homes is not only a special challenge from a technical point of view: In the event of an incident, people who cannot save themselves under their own power often have to be helped. A fast evacuation is essential.
Rescuing people and patients is the top priority in the event of a fire alarm. If a fire breaks out, every minute counts. The focus is on those who cannot get to safety in time under their own steam. While those needing help do not necessarily consist of senior citizens in hospitals, old age is the rule in nursing homes.
In case of fire, a high smoke concentration is produced very quickly. This is dangerous for two reasons:
It is therefore crucial how quickly the dangerous smoke can be evacuated so that both staff and rescue workers have enough time to safely evacuate everyone present from a hospital or nursing home.
The safety of patients, nursing home residents and employees can only be ensured with a coordinated overall fire protection concept that includes all structural, system engineering and operational-organisational components.
The overall concept determines the effectiveness in the event of a fire in order to minimise the risk of fire and to extend the intervention time in the event of an emergency.
The expertise of TROX in the field of fire and smoke protection is unique. For decades, TROX has been developing components and systems for fire and smoke protection in buildings and underground transport systems.
We are available to you as a competent advisor for all questions concerning the topic of smoke protection and extract in your project from the beginning. Together with you, we develop a customised concept to help you achieve your project goals.
Give us a call! We have solutions!
Whether new construction, design, optimisation, system expansion, refurbishment or maintenance – TROX is at your side. Describe your specific needs to us or arrange a non-binding consultation.
Michael Buschmann
Head of International Business Development Management
Phone: +49 (0) 2845 202-303
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